Pdflatex shell escape
latex highlight
you must invoke latex with the -shell-escape
pdflatex batchmodeoverleaf shell-escape
shell-escape is disabled, so i can only detect ifwindows
package minted error: you must invoke latex with the flag
how to enable shell-escape in miktex
you must have pygmentize' installed to use this package
minted uses Pygments of Python for the fancy coloring schemes. You need to invoke the -shell-escape option in order for LaTeX to allow Pygments to be used. InTeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///pdflatex --shell-escape in the document On 06/08/12 15:30, Denis Bitouze wrote: > Hi, > > in some cases (less and less latex -shell-escape is the shell command to use. If you're using Emacs, you'll need to add (LaTeX-command "latex -shell-escape") to your configuration. If you need to do this just once, run: latexmk -e '$latex=q/latex %O -shell-escape %S/' or latexmk -e '$pdflatex=q/pdflatex %O -shell-escape %S/' -pdf for For example, if you invoke LaTeX with the option no-shell-escape , and in your document you call write18{ls -l} , then you do not get an error but the log
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