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Using Game Trainers; Hacking With GameShark Pro - Step by step -Hacking GameBoy Advance enabler codes -GameBoy Advance code types -Added a tidbit onThis is just a little FAQ for all the newbies out their that wish to learn how to use the GameBoy Gameshark. Just for you knew, I am NOT AMAZINGLY AWESOME Turn on your GBA SP. 4) ADDING GAME NAMES, CHEAT DESCRIPTIONS AND CHEAT CODES You can easily add new games and cheats to your GameShark SP cartridge by hand. Pocket Compact Video System Original Nintendo Gameboy Instruction Manual Only thumbnail 1 - GameShark Pro Gameboy Color Pocket MANUAL ONLY Original Turn on your GBA SP. 4) ADDING GAME NAMES, CHEAT DESCRIPTIONS AND CHEAT CODES. You can easily add new games and cheats to your GameShark SP cartridge by
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